Tech Tips for Non-Tech People!

Original Air Date: Jul 30, 2021
Avoiding Useless Software Add-Ons
Adding new programs and apps to your computer can make it more useful, but if you’re not careful, it can have an irritating side effect.
Subtle tweaks to your computer such as changing the search engine, start page or adding those useless toolbars can actually be changes that you approved.
You see, the software companies know that very few of you are going to read the various screens while installing any new program, which is how this happens.
The 'next, next, next, I agree' process is so common that especially free programs will use this sneaky approach to gain access to your desktop.
From now on, always choose the expert, custom or advances options so you can actually see what they’re trying to add before they do it.
The software companies don’t want you to change your behavior, but we do to help you keep your system clean!